Cookie Policy

This cookie policy (our policy governing the use of cookies) is designed to (i) explain the types of cookies and how they are used and (ii) provide information about the actions to be performed to block or delete the cookies used on our website, if appropriate.


Cookies are small files that are stored on the user’s device (PC, tablet or smartphone) while visiting a website and assist the Data Controller in providing the service in accordance with the designated purposes.
They can be stored only for the time a particular site is accessed (session cookies) or for a longer period of time that does not depend on the duration of the session (persistent cookies). Each cookie contains a number of data, such as the name of the server it comes from, a numerical identifier, etc.
Their purpose is to improve usability and web browsing experience (technical cookies). Some of them may also make it possible to learn about the contents viewed, the choices selected and any use of the Site by the user.
This allows advertising offers to be customised so as to display the most useful and relevant offers for each individual user (profiling cookies).
Websites may also use cookies developed by the websites themselves (first-party cookies) or by third-party companies (third-party cookies).
When cookies are installed on the basis of consent, this consent may be freely withdrawn at any time by following the instructions provided in this document.

On and its sub-domains we use cookies, requesting your consent where required by applicable law or regulations, to make our services simple to use and efficient.

Our cookies:

  • Allow preferences to be saved;
  • Allow users to avoid having to provide the same information several times during a visit, such as user name and password;
  • Analyse the use of services and contents delivered by the site to ensure a better navigation experience and enhance the services being offered.

More specifically, the website uses the following types of cookies:

Technical cookies

This type of cookies ensures the smooth running of some sections of the website. They consist of two categories:
– Persistent cookies: Once the browser is closed, they are not destroyed but will remain until a pre-set expiry date
 – Session cookies: They are destroyed every time the browser is closed.

These cookies, which are likewise downloaded from our domain, are required to ensure the best website viewing experience and deliver the underlying technical services. As a result, they will be used and sent at all times, unless you change the settings of your browser (this will affect, however, the viewing of the website pages). Please note that according to the applicable regulations, is not required to seek your consent in respect of technical cookies, as they are needed in order to deliver the relevant services.

Analytical cookies

These cookies are used to collect information about the use of the site. The Data Controller uses this information to perform statistical analyses, improve the website, provide a smoother navigation experience and monitor its proper operation. This type of cookie collect information in an anonymous form on the users’ activity on the website and on how users reached the website and the pages being visited. Cookies in this category are sent from the website itself or third-party domains.

Preference cookies

These cookies collect information about user choices and preferences and allow the language or other local settings to be remembered and the website to be customised.

Third-party websites and services

Our website may contain links to other websites that implement their own privacy policy, which may be different from the one adopted by and, as such, the latter will not be held accountable for such sites.

Use of Google Analytics

Analytics cookies are considered technical if they are only used for enhancement purposes and if users’ IPs are kept anonymous. This website uses the free Google Analytics service. It should be noted that the data are only used to gain some feedback on the most visited pages, number of visitors, visits by operating system, by browser, etc. Google Analytics IPs have been anonymised.

These data are stored on Google’s servers, and their privacy is governed by Google. Users can disable Google Analytics while browsing by using the add-on available for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari at


Cookie nameCookie purposeTime of persistence of cookieWhat happens if the user removes the cookie
pll_languageTechnical cookie. It stores the website display language.1 yearData are not collected
redux_blastTechnical cookie.3 daysData are not collected
cookie_notice_acceptedIt stores cookie acceptance choice.1 dayData are not collected
_gaProperty Google Analytics. It is used to identify users with de-identified information.2 yearsData are not collected
_ga_[…]Property Google Analytics. It is used to identify users with de-identified information.2 yearsData are not collected

Google Maps Cookie

MAPS Google Maps is a map display service operated by Google Inc. that enables this website to show the location of the company.

YouTube Cookies

These cookies are used to play a YouTube video. They are created while the video is being loaded. These cookies allow YouTube to deliver services tailored to the videos viewed by the user on the website. These cookies are activated only with the express consent of the data subject. Reference should be made to the appropriate privacy policy at

Facebook Cookies

These are cookies that allow ads to be shown and recommendations of companies and organisations to be displayed to people who may be interested in their products, services or causes being promoted. These cookies are also used to evaluate the performance of the advertising campaigns of companies using Facebook products. They are only activated with the express consent of the data subject and are not used for profiling purposes. Reference should be made to the appropriate privacy policy at

Facebook Pixel Cookie

The Facebook Pixel is a tool for collecting statistical data, which makes it possible to measure the effectiveness of advertising by understanding what people do on the website. Reference should be made to the appropriate privacy policy at

Google Adwords/Doubleclick

This Pixel is used to find out which of your keywords generate the most clicks on Google, making it possible to identify which words are the most effective for the activity being carried out. This tool shows what happened after users clicked on an ad, for example if they subscribed to a campaign. Reference should be made to the appropriate privacy policy at These cookies are only activated with the express consent of the data subject.
Users may also:
– Delete cookies individually for each domain;
– Hide searches;
– set Google ad settings.


Users may block, delete or disable cookies by using the settings available on their browser or device. Every browser has a its own procedure for deleting cookies.
As mentioned above, disabling cookies completely may affect the way this website operates.
Below are links to instructions on how to block or allow cookies using the main internet browsers:


When first accessing the website and in any case until a choice is made, users will be asked to give their consent to the use of analytical, third-party and profiling cookies.
By continuing to navigate through this website, consent will be considered as given.